Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Why is it that we boys are the ones who want to see the commitment through, and them girls are the ones who haven't a clue what they want and give up in the face of difficulties?

I thought things were supposed to be the other way around. I thought girls (esp. older ones) were the ones who would want to hang on to a relationship.

Apparently I was wrong. Apparently we boys are the pathetic ones and them girls are the freedom-cravers who cannot stand to be tied down by a relationship.

Or perhaps they just enjoy toying with young, naïve boys and breaking their hearts.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Apple Mac OS X 10.5 - Leopard

Since I couldn't get Tiger working on my P4 laptop, I'm thinking I'll do the opposite.

Buy an iMac with Leopard and dual boot it with Windows Vista.

So I should save up some money to buy an iMac when Leopard comes out next spring.

Going broke...

Friday, November 17, 2006


September, the leaves fall and flowers all wither
October comes 'round and you change your phone number
November goes by, and you tell me "We're over"
December is here, I am lost in Manchester

September, October, November, December
I pray oh I wish I would never remember
The words that you said, the words that you whispered
I cannot let go, but they're all lost forever

I'm sorry I wrote this but I had no choice
When one is inspired then one must give voice
To the ghosts within

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dear Deers...

Heard too many complaints over the last couple weeks about the depressing mood of my blog. So I thought I'd try to cheer things up a bit around here.

Went to drop off this Saturday's meal ticket stuff at Auntie Grace's last night, and actually saw three - count 'em, three - deers right outside her place. Two of them were literally on the driveway standing between me and the front door. The third was around the street corner. I got out of my car and they looked at me a bit before skittering off quietly into the night. It was a truly magnificent sight.

Now, I could ruin this "cheery" post by lamenting that I had noone to share the moment with...

... but I won't do that.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fear of Doors

Doors continue to close around me, one after another.

You know, eventually, a person can develop a fear of doors, to the point where he's afraid to step through open ones.

Afraid that it'll slam shut in his face.

Afraid that he'll get his toes caught in the opening.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So lonely.

Noone to talk to when I want to talk.

Noone to call at times of need, of frustration, or even of joy.

I need someone.

Someone who's happy to see me.

Someone who's happy that I'm happy to see her.

Someone who'll listen to me talking about the big stuff, the important stuff.

Someone who'll talk to me about the big stuff, the important stuff.

Someone who'll listen to me talking about the small stuff, the mundane everyday nothings.

Someone who'll talk to me about the small stuff, the mundane everyday nothings.

Someone... who's happy to fix my crooked tie.

My 3-Hour Ride Home

Long, long day.

Just got home at 9.

Let me recount:

Got out of the office at 6. Walked to Southland station. Heard the announcement that all trains are delayed due to an accident at Chinook. Got on the train. Start and stop. Start and stop. Got off the train at Chinook maybe half an hour later. Walked to Futureshop a block and a half away. Got my CD. Walked back to the station. Took a detour to Home Depot for burger and a mocha. Got on the train again. Verbally harassed by some white kid, who was either intoxicated or mental, possibly both. Delayed again at Sunnyside when the crazy white kid started a fight with someone at the other end of the car. Delayed still again when we had to get off at Brentwood cuz the train was turning back. Got on the next train, which, thankfully, came a minute later. Went to the library looking for books. Finally got home at 9.

So there you are. Longest ride home ever.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Simon Says...

... "So, do you have a girlfriend right now?"

... "No."

Well, that was the gist of it anyway.

The question caught me so off guard that I didn't quite know what to follow "No." up with.

Should I try to explain? Would he understand? Or maybe I could ask him to hook me up with someone?

In the end, nothing came.


I've got it all backwards, haven't I?

I need to long for God first, before I long for a companion.

I need to learn to find satisfaction in God first.

I need to learn to crave His Word and His Way first.

I need to cultivate an intimate relationship with God first.

And that means first getting rid of all things that could cause me to stumble and fall into sin.

It's not easy.

But nobody ever said a Godly life was easy.

Luke 9:23... "Then [Jesus] said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'"

I need to learn self-denial.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Three Degrees of Desperation

I miss the past...

... I despise the present...

... and I dread the future...

My James Blunt Concert

Totally awesome.

James Blunt live.

Totally awesome.

Except for the three crazy b*tches behind us who screamed at nothing and everything.

My Staurophobia

Staurophobia: Fear of crosses or the crucifix.

The cross, it still tears me apart.

Please, have mercy. Remove it from my sight.

Why must you be so cruel? What did I do to you?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Starbucks Visa Card...

... has apparently been sitting at the local Royal Bank branch for the past four weeks without my knowing.

This lady called today saying they left a message earlier when it arrived early October.

I was so surprised I said, "WOW! Really?? Early October you say??"

Obviously I never got the message.

Guess I'll go pick it up later tonight or maybe tomorrow when I have the day off.

The question is... which branch was it mailed to...?