Monday, November 26, 2007



Life goes on.

Things happen.

Yet... I've been feeling a sense of peace and joy like never before.

People around me have said I've looked happier. Smiling more.

The scary thing is... I've noticed it too.

Even things that used to matter to me... things that would've devastated me... don't bother me anymore.

I think it's a good sign. I think I'm growing up.

The joy I'm feeling... is like a peaceful spring... clear, unobtrusive, quiet... yet occasionally bubbling over, or erupting like a geyser.

Words cannot describe how good I feel...

Friday, November 23, 2007

2007 Telvent Christmas Party

Just wanted to write down some notes about the wines offered at the company Christmas party.

Zenato Pinot Grigio

A decent white, not exactly packed with fruit. Still, the most enjoyable of the evening.

Zenato Valpolicella DOC Superiore

Might be just me, but I found it unbearable. From the aroma to the taste to the mouthfeel. Sharp - nay, harsh - to the system, burns the back of the throat. I put the glass down and refused to let it further spoil an otherwise decent entrée.

Yellow Tail Shiraz

My guess is shiraz just isn't the grape for me. Goes down easier then the Valpolicella, but you get what you pay for, and with the Yellow Tail you're not paying for great wine. I also set my glass down.

After the two reds, I had a terrible aftertaste in my mouth that I wanted to wash out with a pint of Guinness. I think that says a lot.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Cellar 6th Anniversary Wine Tasting

Tasted seven different wines on Tuesday at the complimentary wine tasting. I'll try to summarize here.

Pinot Noirs: (in order from best to worst)
Kooyong Haven
Tandem "Keefer"
Kooyong Estate

At $70 a bottle, the Haven had better be good. And it was. All had refreshing, fruity aromas, but Haven went down the smoothest. The Kooyong Estate I was least impressed with.

Robert Hall Syrah

A bit tannic, probably could've used some decanting.

Janzen Cabernet Sauvignon

Another $70 wine, a pleasant departure from the predominantly Pinot Noir offerings of the evening.

Chateau de la Roulerie Coteaux de Layon

A very, very sweet white wine. First sniff was a bit of a shock to the system. Slight fizz.

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay

Very sweet also, but not as sweet as the Roulerie. More on the scale of a riesling than a dessert wine.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007





像鹅毛, 像棉花.


想起的, 是三年前.

在瑞士, 站在房间外.


逝去的一段感情, 再过两天, 有三年之久了.

何谓放下? 何谓忘记?

当你悄然发觉, 一点点的回忆, 一个个的日子, 已经不再重要, 不再扎心的时候.

你才是真正的放下, 忘记了.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


"不可姦淫." 出埃及記 20:14

有話想說, 但不知道如何起筆.

怎麽樣的心情? 沉重? 難過? 愕然? 不齒? 憤怒?

小弟雖沒出生於基督化的家庭, 但自幼家教甚嚴, 也上基督教學校念書, 自問也循規蹈矩, 對一般行爲不檢點的同輩敬而遠之.

想不到的是, 這幾年, 這樣的人, 卻在身邊朋友圈子裏面出現.

自己認識的, 失了身的少女, 居然還不止一個. 而且都是基督徒.

聽到的時候, 真的倒吸了一口涼氣.

爲什麽? 爲什麽會這樣?

是哪裏出了問題? 家庭? 教會? 朋友? 團契?


難道律法寫得不夠清楚麽? 難道聖經教導得不夠明確麽?

原來人放縱私慾的時候, 可以這麽可怕.

或許有人會說, 過去的已成過去, 不必再挖人家的傷口.

我也不是故意挖苦. 或許她們也為過往的罪悲痛, 羞愧, 懺悔.

認罪悔改的, 神會憐憫, 寬恕, 賜福: "我們若認自己的罪, 神是信實的, 是公義的, 必要赦免我們的罪, 洗淨我們一切的不義." - 約翰一書 1:9

不認罪的, 神會審判, 懲罰, 咒詛: "我閉口不認罪的時候, 因終日唉哼而骨頭枯乾." - 詩篇 32:5

又: "遮掩自己罪過的, 必不亨通; 承認離棄罪過的, 必蒙憐恤." - 箴言 28:13

我的意思是, 我不想這樣的事情繼續發生.

我們能做些什麽? 請指教.

"我們都如羊走迷; 各人偏行己路; 耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上." - 以賽亞書 53:6
