Monday, October 31, 2005

United Thrashed

Saturday's 4-1 reverse at Middlesbrough was hailed as Manchester United's worst performance in years.

United now sit 6th in the Premiership with an abysmal 5-2-3 record, while Chelsea continue to lead the pack, and by a mile, having gone 10-0-1 so far. They're still leading Group D in the Champions League, but only because the group is so tight that four of six matches so far have been draws. 1-0-2 is far from reassuring form.

As of the end of October, United's record in all competitions stands at 9-2-5.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Drop Rio.



... 还差得远.

一无是处 vs. 完美无瑕

一个人, 不会一无是处.

一个人, 也不会完美无瑕.

再差劲再不济的人, 也有他的优点, 有他的可取之处.

再优秀再出众的人, 也有他的缺点, 有他的美中不足.

所以人生在世, 既毋须妄自菲薄, 亦不应妄自尊大.

学习欣赏别人的优点, 接纳别人的缺点.

尝试改善自己的缺点, 发堀自己的优点.

何必凡事和人比较, 处处强求自己?

Pumpkin... Spice... Latté???

Hey... not bad!

Friday, October 28, 2005


Laptop power adapter: $70
Godin acoustic guitar + case: $550
Jamie Cullum's new album: $14
John Mayer's albums (dual-discs): $35
Logitech 5.1 speakers: $180
1GB USB memory key: $80

Total: Almost one grand

One word: Yikes!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Unexpected Emotions

Was watching a video clip I took earlier this year. Almost wanted to cry.

The clip was filmed through the window in my room in Baden, way back on February 13. It was one of the few days that snowed in Baden.

Watching the snow come down, I suddenly missed the time I spent away. And the place where I spent that time.

Never thought I'd miss Baden.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Beginning of Transformation

Time to put the past sixteen months behind me with a fresh new look.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


"人常想要做他想做的事, 但却常常只能做他可以做的事." - 追命

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Feels weird going to church on Saturday, then waking up on Sunday horrified that there's still an entire day left on the weekend.

Friend vs. Brother

What would I rather be seen as, a Friend or a Brother?

A Friend will share your secrets, your burdens, your pains, your struggles.

A Brother will love you unconditionally.

How about this?

A Brother who tries to be a Friend will do both.

A Friend will rarely try to be a Brother.

Brotherhood (and for that matter, sisterhood) is something that we cannot run away from. It is God's command. To love each other, I mean. But one still chooses who to be friends with.

Just because you're my Brother, doesn't mean I'll share my deepest feelings and thoughts with you as a Friend.

Just because you're not my Friend, doesn't mean I shouldn't love you as a Brother.

Friday, October 21, 2005

AcheAcheAcheAcheAche... mmm... cake...

Hankering for a delicious midnight snack, since I couldn't eat much at dinner, what with the toothache and all.

But... no cake...

Ahh well, guess I'll find something else.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ache Ache Ache Ache Ache...

The unbearable pain of a toothache.

My word, if I have to finally lose this tooth, then please lose it and be done with it.

I don't want to resort to having a dentist pull it out. But if it decides to hang around forever and torture me this way, I may be left without a choice.


做一个更好的我, 仍然是我.

只要是我, 就会有错.

只要是我, 就会有缺点.

只要是我, 就会不完美.

所以, 我惟有学习接纳自己.

也学习接纳别人, 特别是要和我过一生的人.


因为, 我再好, 仍只是我.

Clubbing & Karaoke

不止一次被问到, 为何如此反对去club, 去唱K.

也不止一次看到报纸电视新闻报道, 什么什么nightclub发生醉酒暴力事件.

我想, 以上两者大概有些许关连吧.

或许我实在生长于一个过分保护的家庭, 以致我向来对晚上流连游荡于人多喧闹的场所没啥兴趣.

龙蛇混杂的地方, 总是少去为妙.

Killed By Bill

Getting so totally raped on my cell phone charges. Seriously time to switch back to monthly plans.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mother Of All Dilemmas

Outgoing girls are easy to fall in love with, because they're so friendly with you.

Outgoing girls are difficult to love, because they're so friendly with every other guy.

My Fatal Philosophy

If you do anything, you must strive to be the best at it.

If you are not 100% certain you'll succeed, don't try.

If you tried and failed, destroy all evidence.

It's better to make no impression at all than to make a bad one.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


v.4: The LORD works out everything for his own ends - even the wicked for a day of disaster. 耶和華所造的, 各適其用; 就是惡人也為禍患的日子所造.

人常问神若如此公义全能, 为何容许恶人横行无忌, 作奸犯科却又逍遥法外, 试问天理何在? 故此弃绝神, 殊不知恶人亦在神股掌之中, 为伸所使用. 若非恶人之所为, 人岂能经历人的罪性, 岂能醒觉人需要神? 若无恶, 焉知善?

v.9: In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. 人心籌算自己的道路; 惟耶和華指引他的腳步.

人总想把自己命运握在手中, 自己作主, 不用臣服于任何权势之下. 然而, 人生路上, 有多少事情是人能够操纵的? 飞来横祸, 躲也躲不开; 命中注定, 避也避不过. 妄想能安排计划自己的一生, 只是妄自尊大而已.

v.17: The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life. 正直人的道是遠離惡事; 謹守己路的, 是保全性命.

"谨守" - 即"谨慎自守". 英文的用词是"careful", 即"小心"之意. 即远离试探之意. 即逃避少年人的私欲之意. 即不可给魔鬼留地步之意. 即黑白分明, 以灰色地带为雷池而不越半步之意.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Suddenly feel shallow.

Feels like I left for all the wrong reasons.

Feels like I want to return for all the wrong reasons.

Disappointed in myself as a Christian.


好像为了错误的原因离开, 又想为了错误的原因回来.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

God says... what?

Was that God's way of saying no? I'm so confused now...


人的生命到了尽头, 原来可以跟一只横尸街头的野兔没啥分别.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


驾驶着车子在公路上飞驰, 黑夜中传来的噩耗.

认识他的日子不长, 才十天的时间. 可怖的是一星期前还活蹦蹦和我们打保龄的人, 一星期后连气息都没了.

有一首颇流行的赞美诗歌, 歌词说道, 人生像演戏. 现在感觉却不是这样. 演戏的人, 手里总有份剧本, 总知道自己的角色戏份, 可以反复预演练习, 以臻完美. 可是人生没有预演, 没有停顿, 没有NG, 没有重试的机会, 错了的不能挽回, 故有一失足成千古恨之说. 生命的主宰, 从来没有将剧本交给人. 一个人, 何时上台, 何时说话, 何时动作, 何时下台, 连自己都不知道, 更枉论自己操纵.

雅各书 四:13-17 『咳! 你们有话说:「今天明天我们要往某城里去, 在那里住一年, 做买卖得利.」其实明天如何, 你们还不知道. 你们的生命是甚麽呢? 你们原来是一片云雾, 出现少时就不见了. 你们只当说:「 主若愿意, 我们就可以活着, 也可以做这事, 或做那事.」现今你们竟以张狂夸口; 凡这样夸口都是恶的. 人若知道行善, 却不去行, 这就是他的罪了.』

我们应当思量, 在以往二十多年来, 我们所作的, 有多少是有永恒的价值? 假若明天主召我们回家, 我们的账单, 是有余还是亏欠? 我们是带着丰丰足足的果子见主的面, 还是负着绊倒人的债面对审判?



Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Here We Go...

My first exam in how long now? Over 17 months?

We'll see how it goes...

Monday, October 10, 2005

So What?

Is it really that big a deal? Surely I have done worse things.

Doesn't seem right to base a decision on one factor alone.

Still need to talk to someone about this...

A Sign?

Shall I take it as a sign? To put an end to this madness before I get in too deep?

Need someone to talk to...

Even More Disappointed?

Do I Expect too much?

Am I asking for too much? Are my standards too high?

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Yep, I had Expectations.

Either Take It Away Or Show Me The Way

God... I don't know how to deal with this. It's probably not the best time yet for me to get into this, and most likely not for her either. But it's hard to keep her out of my mind. So do this for me, God: either take it away, or show me the way.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Si / If

Si Volvieras a Mí
Josh Groban
Music and Lyrics: Klaus Derendorf, Mark Portmann, and Claudia Brant
From the recording: "Closer", Track #4

¿Como sobrevivir?
¿Como calmar mi sed?
¿Como seguir sin tí?
¿Como saltar sin red?
Con ese adios tan salvaje y cruel
Me despojaste la piel
La eternidad en final se quedo
Y un desierto es mí corazon

Ay si volvieras a mí
Encenderia el sol mil primaveras
Si regresaras por mí
Seria un milagro cada beso que me dieras
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atras

¿Qué habrá después de tí?
Mas que estas lágrimas
Si hasta la lluvia en el jardin
Toca musica sin fin
Sombría y trágica
Hoy de rodillas le pido a Dios
Que por el bien de los dos
Algo en tu pecho se quiebra al oír
A este loco que se muere de amor

Ay si volvieras a mí
Encenderia el sol mil primaveras
Si regresaras por mí
Seria un milagro cada beso que me dieras
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atras

Y desataste un huracan
Fuego y furia de un volcan
Que no se apagar
Como olvido que fui
Esclavo de tí
Ya no puedo mas

Ay si volvieras a mí vida
Ay si volvieras
Si regresaras por mí
Seria feliz otra vez
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atras

Friday, October 07, 2005


The key to doing well in school? One word:


One is able to devote tremendous amounts of time, energy, and memory to an obsession. So all you really need to do, in order to do well in school, is become obsessed with the subjects you're studying.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Still confused about what I'm feeling for her. I don't know if it should be taken seriously. Don't know what direction I should be praying in.

Can't Hold On Much Longer...

Napped on and off for the past half hour... at this rate I'll be unconscious by the time lecture starts.

How might I be able to stay awake a little longer? Think happy thoughts? Hmm...


Boy oh boy... good thing I took a 3-hour nap yesterday afternoon. Otherwise, I would've crashed long before finishing the assignment.

Heading to school in a bit... as soon as I print it out...

Changes Are Slow...

The last time I had my hair cut was, oh, 16 months ago. Almost, but not quite, at the point where I must get it cut in order to feel human again.

It'll be a nice change of pace to be neat and tidy again. Can't stay this way forever, after all.

Other changes are easier to come by. Case in point: my chin has not felt so smooth in years.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

1st All-Nighter This Term

Expecting to be up all night doing this CompSci assignment.


Hope? Or Expectation?

Do I hope to see her today? Or do I expect to see her today?



Expectation leads to Disappointment.

Zero Expectation leads to Thanksgiving.

What about Hope? What does Hope lead to?

I think Hope leads to Joy.

The important part is keeping Hope from turning into Expectation.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Haven't Felt This Way For So Long...

Just thinking about her brings a smile to my face. My heart aches for her presence, though she has no idea that she's on my mind.

Oh geez, get a grip on yourself, Alex.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Man, what's up with this? It's been so long since I had an actual crush I'd forgotten what it feels like and how to live with it.