Friday, April 07, 2006

All nighter again... yippee!

Gonna be up all night preparing my Parallel Computing Architecture course project presentation. Only 3am but already feel like I could crash.

A few things over the past week...

Got a formal offer from CoreData earlier this week, and a verbal offer from Telvent today. Not sure if it's ethical to discuss details here. Kind of torn between the two right now. Leaning toward Telvent at the moment. Need to pray for guidance.

Finishing up our 4th year project, did our presentation today. Think it went alright. Probably could've gotten more done if we started earlier. But whatever.

Massively pissed off with the 505 (parallel computing) project. SMPCache keeps crashing for no apparent reason, and takes 8 to 12 hours to finish one run on 2+GHz machines. Bloody thing.

Thinking maybe I'll keep applying to jobs just for the heck of it. Still some out there that look pretty cool. Some geotechnical/geomatics firms, some cell-phone technology companies, some web app developers.

Dad got hurt at work today. That's okay. He's too giddy over his new toy (Canon EOS 30D at $2200+) to notice the bleeding on his palm.

That's all I can think of right now... will post more if I come up with anything else.

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