Friday, September 08, 2006

Dangerous Driving

Nearly fell asleep behind the wheels again on the I-35 going to Wichita... I'm so sleep-deprived.

Drove down to Norman on Monday hoping to take pictures on the University of Oklahoma campus. It started pouring so hard that streets were flooded and there was no way for me to get out of the car, let alone expose my camera to the elements.

So I left the campus and drove to Olive Garden to eat, and as I was driving across the bridge over the interstate, the boat being towed in front of me jerked its head up as though it'd run into something. I stepped on the brakes, which promptly locked on the slippery road surface, and my car started skidding straight towards the boat.

Thank God I let go of the brakes and steered just in time to swerve into the next lane. Thank God there were no cars in the next lane at the time. Thank God even more that I didn't swerve right into the opposite lane where cars were stopped for the red light.

Life is so fragile... nobody can tell what might happen the next minute...

1 comment:

JoviNa ^o^ said...

Thanks God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!