Tuesday, January 08, 2008


So much has happened in so little time.

I'm excited, scared, worried, filled with self-doubt, yet ecstatic at the same time.

*Deep breath*

A lot of planning to do, a lot of praying for guidance, a lot of learning, a lot of communication, a lot of sacrifice.

But it's worth all that.

She's worth all that.

From 她的睫毛 - 周杰倫

她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 無預警的對我笑
沒有預兆 出乎預料 竟然先對我示好
她的睫毛 彎的嘴角 用眼神對我拍照
我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道

她粉嫩清秀的外表 像是多汁的水蜜桃 誰都想咬
她嘴上亮麗的唇膏 有一股自信的驕傲 我看得到

1 comment:

阿倫 森 said...

it's all about worth