Monday, May 29, 2006

Pharisees! Hypocrites!

Religious Beliefs Head to Court


Some of the more extreme Hutterites in Alberta, citing the Second Commandment (NIV/KJV), are claiming a violation on their religious freedom because they're required to have their photos on driver's licenses.

Even more absurdly, the Court of Queen's Bench ruled in favor of the colonies. The province will appeal this decision at the Alberta Court of Appeal.

Basically, what this means is that, man can do whatever he wishes in the name of religion. Laws and authorities can be ignored in the spirit of religious freedom.

In other words, polygamy is okay as long as your religious beliefs allow (witness the Mormons). Incest is fine if your religion requires it. Ditto human sacrifices. Same goes for tax evasion - just claim your religion doesn't believe in paying taxes.

The Chinese have a saying: "Water can buoy as well as sink a ship." Religious freedom is indeed a double-edged sword. Two can play this game, you know.

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