Thursday, July 20, 2006


negative? you bet your ass i'm negative.

weak? you bet your ass i'm weak.

what do i expect? nothing. nothing at all.

twist. stuck. everything.

insulted? yes. but hey, what does it matter? you don't care for my opinion, i don't care for your apology.

how much younger of a bride can a man take before it becomes disturbing?

did i not say? bad things happen when i'm away.

how to achieve emotional death or at least apathy? is there a guide? i'm tired of emotions; they're way overrated.

re-read the above and suddenly felt like i was reading something out of a douglas coupland book.

what do people want more: to be loved or to be needed?

a job rejection is an evaluation of me as a professional; a relationship rejection is an evaluation of me as a person. i can't handle that.

a person sets himself up to get hurt by caring. when you don't care, you don't hurt.

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