Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Skimmed through an old friend's blog at Xanga today. Not that we don't keep in touch, but it's difficult to be kept up-to-date when someone goes away for studies. Reading about what he went through a year ago reminded me at some places of myself and my current ordeals. He's moved on with his life of course, while I'm just beginning this particular chapter of mine.

I've always believed that part of the reason God allows each of us to experience pain and losses is for us to better understand each other's pain and losses. Reading my friend's blog, there was an instant connection between his words and my emotions. We always hear people say, "I can imagine how that must feel," when trying to comfort those in distress. But really, how close can one's imagination come to the real thing? Only by personal experience can one relate to another's pain.

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