Monday, January 24, 2005

First Post

It's official. I am a sinner. I have succumbed to the (possibly yesterday) fad of Blogging. I feel so dirty. I always thought myself one of the holdouts when seemingly any 40-year-old computer-illiterate housewife who has no social life outside of her family can set up her own blog. Not anymore.

Come to think of it though, I wrote my thoughts and feelings on my own webpage years ago, back when I was in high school (ahh, the good old days of dial-up internet and Geocities "neighbourhoods"). It just wasn't called "Blogs" back then, and it was a pain to set up and organize and even to post new entries. Everything was done in HTML code in Notepad. That's why I did it I guess, because it was something that took a little knowledge, a little know-how, to do. No setup wizard, no pretty designer templates to choose from, no integrated forms to easily write up a column and fire it up with the click on a button. It was all technical back then, and I am proud of what I was able to put together with Notepad of all things.

Well, enough of that. This Blog is going to be a place for me to rant and rave and scream and sulk when the mood strikes me and there's nobody to listen on Messenger. It will range from my personal life to sports to religion, probably not politics, but yes if it involves religion, and whatever music, movie, or books I happen to recommend. I'm under the impression that readers can respond to my posts with their own comments, so you are strongly encouraged to do so.

Back to work for the moment. Tschüss!

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