Monday, March 07, 2005

ASP.NET Free Trial Web Hosting

Stumbled across this Microsoft trial offer and thought it might interest some of you out there who can't afford to pay for hosting and don't want to do it on your own machine. Runs .NET Framework 1.1 on IIS 6, with 20MB for apps and temp files and 10MB for SQL Server database. See the full list of features for yourself. There's no ASP.NET 2.0 support yet but 20MB should be plenty to play with if you have webspace elsewhere to store chunky static files like images or Flash movies.

Currently, this trial service is aimed at European and Japanese users, but I assume interested North Americans should be able to sign up as well, albeit perhaps with degraded performance. I personally have no intentions yet to move my entire website over, but it presents at least an intriguing option of having a mirror site for when I decide to give my laptop some much-deserved rest (like this past weekend).

Update: Just noticed that the trial offer only lasts 30 days, after which your account and, presumably, all your files on their server will be removed. Please remember to store backup copies on your own computer.

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