Thursday, March 10, 2005

Epiphany: Blame God

When Life doesn't go your way, blame God.

Now before you all start pointing fingers and throwing accusing glares in my general direction, allow me to explain.

I don't mean that it's God's fault that life doesn't go your way. But I do hold God responsible for it. There's a difference.

Since God is sovereign, you cannot say "it was His fault" that something bad (from your point of view) happened. But you can say "it was His doing".

So I'm going to throw all this relationship crap into his hands. I'm sick and tired of listening to my mom over the phone going on and on about how "you deserve better", or "you're too good for her", or how "many uncles and aunties speak highly of you". I'm sick of it. Sick. I'm tired of explaining myself. Tired of this constant bashing of the girl I've loved for two years. Tired of not knowing whether I should defend her even though she dumped me.

So here's what I'll do. If God's plan is for us to be back together, He will make a way for mom to change her mind and for once in her life see the good sides of other people. If He doesn't wanna do it, fine. But, God willing, I hope there's another chance for us.

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