Monday, May 09, 2005

"Crucify Him!"

Yesterday's evening service at the IPC was great. Good music, and a drama production that, although it won't be moved to Broadway anytime soon, was thought-provoking. While we, as Christians, know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and redeemed our eternal souls some two thousand years ago, most of us would prefer that He stayed nailed to that log of wood, that He wouldn't come down and interfere with our daily lives filled with worldly desires and lusts. I, for one, certainly live that way sometimes, though perhaps I hide it well. (Or maybe I don't. You tell me.)

It might be something as little as turning a blind eye to a person in need. It might be falling into the trap of sexual immorality. It might be avoiding taxes. There are all kinds of things that, though they seem clever and acceptable to the world, aren't quite right by the Word of God. So what do we do? We argue. We rationalize. We justify. We act as though it's none of God's business. God should stay within the walls of the sanctuary; we'll visit once a week and on holidays.

That's not God, brothers and sisters. That's just our aging parents locked up in a nursing home. And though our God has been since beyond the beginning of time, He is neither old nor helpless. He's the living God, who wields power over every single atom, every minute quark, in this vast universe, and He wants to be part of our lives - nay, to be all of our lives. Difficult as it may be, I think we ought to be a little more submissive, and a little less indulgent, with every passing day.

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