Tuesday, May 24, 2005

May Movie Review

The Incredibles: The sixth feature film from Pixar once again uses computer graphics to explore alternative worlds. After playing with Toys, Fliking Bugs, scaring children, and finding Nemo, Pixar is out the save the world with the Incredibles, a family of superheroes living in a world where superheroes, once worshipped in the limelight, are now outcast, outlawed, and outdated, after Mr. Incredible saved a suicidal businessman against his will. Loads of family fun, decent plot, even though the intro seemed a tad long.

Robots: Your typical the-people-overthrow-the-tyrant-and-bring-back-the-good-guy story, only this one is played out in robot world. The plot has no real surprises, but there are some refreshing robot jokes. I have no idea who came up with the Britney idea, but it was equally hilarious and disturbing. Overall, not as good as The Incredibles, but still a good laugh.

Hitch: A romantic comedy starring Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James, and Amber Valletta. Tasteful, funny, touching, and encouraging for the average Joe. I found the storyline to be a little scattered, with two relationships interwoven by Hitch's (Will) career as a "date doctor". The movie goes back and forth between the two without really establishing a main thread; it was more like watching two stories unfold in parallel, held together by a common denominator. Frankly, I preferred the Albert (Kevin) / Allegra (Amber) story over Hitch / Sara (Eva). Albert, the short, chubby, likeable chum who's totally shot of self-confidence, tries to win over Allegra, the rich, famous, and beautiful blonde who recently dumped her equally-high-profile boyfriend. I guess I can relate more to the timid, self-conscious Albert than to the experienced, witty, charming Hitch.

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