Sunday, July 03, 2005

Friday Came and Went

Okay, okay, so Friday didn't quite go as I expected or planned.

But so what? I'm not going to let that affect how I live my life.

Let's talk about something a little more positive. Today's sermon by Pastor Kwek: "Our Lord of the Rings" really hit home. Even more than last week's sermon on holiness by Reverend Lee. (Li?)

He reminded me that, rather than looking left and right for Miss Right, I need to focus on improving myself and growing within Christ, such that I may one day become a blessing to my wife.

He also pointed out that differences between husband and wife should be opportunities for growth and appreciation rather than sources of conflict. He suggested that Adam, the first man and the handiwork of God, was incomplete by design. Eve, as Adam's helper, was meant to complement him where he was lacking.

Which rasies a point: is it really necessary or even desirable then for men to be "in touch with their feminine sides"? And how much "equality" must we extend to women? What is the Christian stance on these questions?

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