Monday, February 06, 2006

Sooo Pissed Off...

So I worked my ass off last night on the 505 assignment and didn't get home till after 6:30 in the morning.

By the time 10a.m. rolled around I couldn't take it anymore... so I crawled into bed for a nap... without setting my alarms. Thank God though that Luis called at 1p.m. and woke me up. Took a shower, bathroom stuff, left the house around 1:47.

Raced down to campus trying to beat the 2p.m. deadline. Got to the dropbox around then but saw it was pretty much empty when I took a peek. So I panicked. Slide my assignment inside and went upstairs looking for the TA. Ran into her on the way back down and asked if she just picked up the assignments. She said no, because the prof gave a 2-day extension.

There was nothing I could do but laugh.

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