Friday, February 02, 2007

Glenbow... "博"物館

So, so, so disappointed.

The Ancient Mediterranean exhibition, featuring artifacts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome... massively disappointing.

Sparsely occupying three adjacent rooms on the second floor, there was really nothing in there that truly impressed.

And I'm still pissed off that you aren't allowed photography in there. Only in North America do you find such anal museums.

Granted, I was able to pay closer attention to each piece without spending half my time snapping pictures. The sad part? Even though I read pretty much every word of description for every single piece, I still finished the entire exhibition in roughly the same amount of time as a soccer game. Less than two hours.

Obviously, Calgary is not the place to discover the Mediterranean. If you want to see native art, go to Glenbow. If you want to see Egyptian or Greco-Roman culture, go to Europe.

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