Saturday, February 26, 2005

Album Version 2 - Feb 26 Update

Rotten hell, work on a Saturday. Ahh well, at least the problem has been located and solved, so I'll just hang around for a while longer and burn a couple DVD's before I go.

Created a database for my photo albums last night using MSDE 2000 and Web Matrix's SQL capabilities. Much simpler than I anticipated. The front page now opens up a SQL connection, reads the album names, and renders them to HTML. The second database, storing photo information, will take a bit longer to do, however.

Also started on learning some Flash last night, so I can put up a neat little menu bar. Also downloaded three Visual Studio Express Betas (C#, C++, and Web Developer), SQL Server 2005 Express Beta, and .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable and SDK Betas. The question now is whether I want to try them on my machine or play it safe and install them on a virtual PC.

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