Monday, June 27, 2005

What I've been up to...

*yawn* Seems like I've disappeared ever since coming back. Just that there's been so much to do helping dad out with house repairs. But it feels good to be working alongside my parents trying to get that house back in decent shape so we can get rid of it this summer. Spent three freaking hours trying to put the shower door up today.

Finally splashed the cash today on the new pair of football shoes I've had my eyes on for months. Well, not exactly. I wanted the Predator Pulsado in Beckham colours (white/blue), but I bought the silver/red Predator Pulsion instead for the same price. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

Went to fellowship on Friday, worship and Sunday school today. Life seems to go on as usual, passing me by without so much as a glance. Only I understand the anxiety and uncertainty that embroil my life. Lord knows how much longer I can hold up this facade before I crack.

The plan for now is just to finish up my degree and find a decent job somewhere. Calgary, Toronto, it doesn't matter. I'll leave that up to Him. But I've made up my mind: I'll remain unattached until after my convocation. That's right, it'll be just me and my friends at my convo.

One thing to be thankful for: my dad actually sang in worship today. Granted, he's not much of a singer, but he gave what he had. I was impressed.

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