Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Holy Crap... Worst Class Ever

First day of classes, 1 pm, the only class after lunch.

We're there in our seats with my laptop out trying to figure out why the AirUC wireless connection wasn't working all of a sudden. Then Dr. Russian-Guy walks in from the front door, five minutes late, no course outline ready for distribution, starts writing his contact information on the board without erasing the leftovers from the previous class, then writes a generally vague outline of topics to be covered in this course, mumbles on for no more than five minutes, and walks out the back door, leaving a roomful of stunned students in his wake.

Incredible. Somehow, though, I have this sneaking suspicion that this is how University is supposed to be. That we've been getting ripped off for 45 minutes every class for the past three years.

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