Monday, February 19, 2007


Loneliness is not a result of circumstances...

It is a state of mind...

It festers as we indulge in it...

How can I beat it?

By focusing on God... because that really does solve all problems and dilemmas.

Let me elaborate...

What do I mean by "Loneliness is not a result of circumstances"?

I mean that when I feel lonely, it's not because I'm single or because my friends don't have time for me.

It's because I choose to let these things affect me.

It's because I allow my need for companionship to take precedence over my relationship with God.

It's because I forget that Jesus is the only friend I need and the best friend I have.

If I'm able to keep that in mind, I could be alone on a desert island and not feel lonely.

Do I fret about my future? Sure... but I'm learning to put it all in His almighty hands.

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