Monday, November 28, 2005

My Earliest Childhood Memory

Been thinking about jotting down memories and recollections in anticipation of the day when my brain is so worn out that these memories fade into oblivion. So here goes.

The farthest back I can vividly remember was that one time I got punished back in kindergarten. Well, actually I don't remember the punishment itself, but I do remember what I was punished for. I had raised my coiled notebook at a classmate (a friend, even, I think, though of course back then I had little idea of what being a friend constituted), and chopped it down at his head, coil-first.

Needless to say, I got in trouble for that.

Do not, however, even think for a second that this incident made me any less reckless a child through primary school. There's more to come.


JoviNa ^o^ said...

You were so cute~ ^o^

Alex said...

Try telling that to the horrified teachers >.<