Monday, December 12, 2005


You know, God keeps sending me reminders.

And yet, I keep falling, taking steps back. *Frowns*

Not that I go on and do anything bad... but...

Let me draw an analogy... a father has the perfect present in mind for his son's brithday, coming up some time in the future (not so near that he's in a rush to buy it, not so distant that he hasn't planned to buy it)...

And knowing his father has this perfect gift in mind, everytime the son goes to the mall, he looks at store displays, sees things that catch his eyes, and wonders if that's what his father prepared for him.

And everytime father and son goes window-shopping together, the son would drag his father to this store or that store, hinting at whatever he thought was cool or would make a great gift. "Perhaps", he thought to himself, "I could guess what dad has planned for me, and he'll be proud of how smart his son is. Or perhaps he'll change his mind and give me one of these really cool gifts. Or perhaps..."

But, again and again, his father smiles and shakes his head when he asks, "Is this what you're getting me?" or "Can you just get me this for my birthday?" The son becomes discouraged and frustrated, and even starts doubting this "perfect present" his dad supposedly has in mind.

"What's wrong with this? I'll be happy with this! Why can't you just give me this? I'm not asking for very much here!" The son begins to rail and rant. But his father smiles and remains silent.

"Fine then, how about this? Why don't you give me a hint? Or just show me a glimpse of it? I promise I won't get all preoccupied with it!" The son proceeds to beg, desperate for his father to shed some light on the big secret. All this suspense is beginning to get to him; he just has to know. What harm can it do, anyway? Yet his father persists in staying mum.

"Forget it! I don't need your stinkin' present anyway!" In a huff, the son storms off and runs home, leaving his father standing there, at the mall, a melancholic smile on his face, shaking his head. How he wishes his son would have a little faith in him.

(Sorry, I don't know how the story ends... I hope in the future to write a fitting ending...)

Note: Originally posted Dec 11, 2005, @ 0417. This is an updated version.

1 comment:

JoviNa ^o^ said...

I like the story very much~ ^^